วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Conversations With God Quotes : Death and Life and the Bible

The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 24 )
occupies a man thoughts, you have only to listen to his conversation.-- Chinese Proverb. . . the answer is not in finding the right person but in being the right person.-- Eric ButterworthTo read more quotes visit : http://www.
What Comes After "we are All One?"
Maybe God said it best himself in Neale Donald Walsch book "Conversations with God"-"it may not be wise going around telling people you are God-you may be crucified." In as many as three times in known history, humanity has come
Death and Life and the Bible
sinned, in fact the moment he sinned, he died. Adam was instantly separated from God, and that placed him in spiritual death. When addressing Christians about their pre-conversion state, Paul said, “you were dead in your trespasses and
Covert War on Rock by Alex Constantine Summary
investigative reporter Chuck Ashman, and he said, "Mickey Cohen told me the tale of his being paid off to fake a conversion and dose of Christianity for Billy Grahams N.Y. crusade. Two of Graham’s staff had passed more than 10,000 dollars
Book Review: the Practice of the Presence of God by Peter Menkin
from the past to bring us in our modern world to a closer and even better relationship because of conversation with God. This is more than talk, this is going on with a discussion with the Lord, an opening of the heart, a reaching out, a

